

The 荣誉项目 at Saint Mary’s College brings together students who want to challenge themselves and transform the lives of others.


有兴趣加入荣誉课程? 完成下面链接的表格!





优等生一起学习, 获得荣誉课程学分, 培养领导能力, complete service projects and contribute to scholarly research under the direction of expert faculty. 好处包括提前注册, 指导, 社交活动, 特殊的培训, 还有奖学金机会.




Our Program is designed to help you identify your particular talents, 利益, 的优势, 和边, 并学习如何为自己和他人激活它们.







  • 保持3分.5平均绩点



荣誉项目 members come from majors and departments all across campus and represent diverse backgrounds and experiences.





奖学金,格兰特, & 研究的机会

Looking to explore the professional opportunities in your career field? 我们召集了一些不同的资助, 奖学金, 奖, 研究项目, 无论是在加州还是在全国各地, 供您浏览,看看适合您的兴趣.



我们相信每个学生都有独特的天赋, and that our diversity is a critical strength that increases creativity, 创新, 学习通往卓越的多种途径. 





The special Honors Living-Learning Community in Aquinas is a phenomenal way to get to know other Honors students. 如果你符合一定的条件, and/or have received a Presidential or Honors at Entrance Scholarship, 我们鼓励你和我们一起学习阿奎那.

Aquinas is a suite style dorm close to the library and classrooms, 用洗衣, 休息室, 以及特别荣誉导师和项目. Honors students can choose non-Honors students as roommates, and you can remain in Aquinas even if you withdraw from the 荣誉项目.



全国各地 & 在圣玛丽这里

荣誉学生 must present research at least one time and are welcome to present any one of their 荣誉合同 在任何学期.

每年春天, SMC学生研究会议 & 展示 是展示研究成果的好机会吗. 

Other options include national and regional conferences or another avenue of the student's choosing. Read our newsletters to find scholarships to national and regional conferences!



荣誉学生委员会 is the student governing body of the Saint Mary’s College 荣誉项目. The Commission affords students the unique opportunity of helping to make decisions about how the 荣誉项目 should function as well as overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Program. 与该计划的学生驱动的焦点保持一致, Commissioners work as a team to produce a variety of events and oversee the academic and social well-being of fellow 荣誉项目 students.

2023 - 24名委员



Emily is an Integral Major, a Dance Minor, and a current Junior. She has wanted to serve on the Commission since the beginning of her Saint Mary’s journey, as she believes the 荣誉项目 is the ideal resource for students who want to further deepen their education. 作为活动委员会的二年级学生, 艾米丽喜欢能够自己策划筹款活动, 社交活动, 服务事件. Now she is extremely honored to be the Executive Commissioner and oversee the functions and status of the Commission as a whole.



贾思敏是积分专业的二年级学生. 她目前正在辅修法律与社会, and serves as a Lasallian Peer Mentor for Interfaith and Religious 多样性 at the MMC. Jazmine is also part of the Exec Team for La Hermandad, the Latino/Hispanic Club on campus. 她喜欢读书。, 散步, 和朋友出去玩, and is interested in Law with the hope to become a lawyer one day.



Cali is one of the new PR Commissioners for the 荣誉项目. She decided to become a commissioner because of the wonderful experience she had in the 荣誉项目 and wanted to contribute in a creative way. 卡利是艺术专业的学生, 业余时间喜欢阅读和园艺, 并希望从事平面设计方面的职业. 她期待着认识你们大家!



Rose is a sophomore with a split major in Business and Music (singing) and a minor in French and has significant work experience in the construction industry. Her hobbies include watching reality TV, thrifting, and getting tacos. 来自布伦特伍德, CA(距SMC约45分钟车程的玉米镇), Rose is very excited to bring more event opportunities to the 荣誉项目, 因为作为一个日程繁忙的人, she can appreciate the necessity for worthwhile events that bring value to the community.



Olivia studies chemistry, biology, vocal music, and dance. 她在育儿方面有丰富的经验, 包括为有特殊需要的儿童服务, 服务和志愿工作, 表演艺术, 领导, 全年游泳. She chose to join the Commission as an events specialist after organizing the Spring 2023 学生研究会议. Olivia is passionate about serving underrepresented and underserved communities as a future physician.

Keiko Muraoka

Keiko Muraoka,学术活动及会议专员

Keiko is a second-year Biology major, Business Admin minor. In her free time, Keiko enjoys being outdoors and going on hikes, beach trips, or shopping. She decided to serve on this year's Commission so that she could be a part of the amazing team that brings 荣誉学生 together to help instill a sense of community within the cohort. Keiko is excited for the new school year and looks forward to meeting all of you.

Stravoula Psefteas

Stavroula Psefteas,学术研讨会委员

Stavroula is a second year Psychology major, SSTE minor from Danville, California. She is very excited to be the Colloquium Commissioner this year and to help bring in some new and fun colloquiums. 她喜欢读书。, watch movies, swim, 和朋友出去玩. Stavroula decided to become a Commissioner this year because she had a great time being part of Honors last year and wanted to be a part of planning events and making sure that everyone enjoys being a member of the 荣誉项目. 


德美特里Papageorge、学术活动和会议 & 合约及职业事务专员

Demetri is a senior Politics major with two minors in Economics and Law & Society, as well as an Honors student who is finishing his last Honors Contract this semester. 他是麦肯演讲的主席 & Debate Club, Showing Up for Racial Justice, and the Fishing Club. This year Demetri will be a research desk worker at the 图书馆 and is the Resident Advisor for the 荣誉项目 生活学习社区 in Aquinas Hall.




Dr. Helga Lenart-Cheng,项目总监
